Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So, are we like best friends now that you've seen what's in my freezer? -Ralphie May

I LOVE learning new tips and tricks about cleaning! Anything that can make my life easier, I need to know about it.

Having two kids 6 years apart is a lot easier than I thought it would be. My 6 year old daughter loves to share her stuffed animals with my 2 months old son... With that comes germs. So I needed to come up with a way to kill the germs without compromising Teddy's softness. (This tips works especially well with toys that can't be washed because of sound boxes, battery compartments, etc.)

You should probably wait til your little one is asleep or at school for this... Ill never forget the look on my child's face when I washed her baby dolls in the washing machine. She was terrified.

It's pretty simple. You'll need to captivate Teddy in a gallon size zip lock bag. Then just toss him into your freezer for about 5 hours (and hope that your child doesn't notice his temporary disappearance). This cleaning method is to kill dust mites and bacteria. You will need to clean any debris like dirt or hair yourself. For that, I recommend baby shampoo. The less water you have to use the better for Teddy. Baby shampoo can be left on without causing any harm to your little ones.

As always please feel free to ask me any questions on how you can be green while you clean. Don't forget to like my page on Facebook!

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